The Clean Air Strategy (CAS) proposes tough new goals to reduce public exposure to fine particulate matter (PM). There is an aim to achieve the World Health Organisation (WHO) guideline of 10μg/m3.
Previously the larger issues surrounding air quality were tackled, as progress has been made in these areas, smaller sources are now having more of an impact on overall air quality. Domestic solid fuel burning is one of these sources, alongside many others such as the impact of traffic and farming on air quality.
“The government’s objective is to raise awareness of the potential impacts of air pollution at home and ensure that consumers are armed with reliable information enabling them to make informed choices to protect themselves, their families and their neighbours.”
PM is produced by many forms of cooking and home heating, most notably from combustion in open fires and stoves. The effect of domestic burning is now higher than the effect of industrial combustion and road transport combined!
The CAS provides more power to local authorities to deal with this pollution and introduces the idea of only allowing the more sustainable fuels and stoves to be sold.
You can find more in depth information about the Clean Air Strategy 2019 here.